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returntothepit >> discuss >> January 18 Opeth by the_reverend on Jan 19,2003 2:25am
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Jan 18, 2003 The Palladium (Worcester, MA)
beyond_the_embrace - 2003-01-18
Beyond The Embrace(51)
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opeth - 2003-01-18
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paradise_lost - 2003-01-18
Paradise Lost(54)
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tapping_the_vein - 2003-01-18
Tapping The Vein(55)
flash animated slider show
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 19,2003 2:25am
Just home, working on the pictures.
give me a few.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 19,2003 3:22am

opeth pictures are uploading right now.
awesome awesome show.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 19,2003 3:49am edited Jan 19,2003 2:47pm
beyond the embrace: lost my interest after a couple of songs. Very In Flames-ish. A little repetative and the vocals are pretty weak most of the time. 3 guitar players which I am kind of torn between about. The good thing about 3 guitar players is you can have 2 leads and 1 doing the rhthym. The bad thing is that it will sound muddy in most clubs. especially the palladium where the retarded soundguy has the bass louder than anything.

tapping the vein: was not bad, the singer had boobs. voice was okay.

PARADISE LOST: this band was even more fuckin boring live than on record. the only thing remotely fun about this band was that some fat dumb black kid who thought he was the king of the pit got his ass taken down and kicked by 10 kids. i don't usually like shit like that going on during bands I like, but hey it took my mind off paradise "4 homosexuals" lost. go back to england, FAGS.

OPETH: 3rd time seeing opeth at the palladium, and I noticed that they have gained many many fans in the past couple of years which is good. But half the kids around me were fucking retard mudvayne kids. Other than that they played an excellent set. I like demon of the fall, but I think they should have changed it up a bit this time rather than playing it as the last song on EVERY SHOW. I could of sworn they were going to play 'Master's Apprentices' (track 5, deliverance) after he said the song name, but then they endedup going into 'A fair judgement' (track 3, deliverance) which is still good, but I was a little dissapointed because I like track 5 better.

Setlist: (might not be in exact order)
The Leper Affinity
The Drapery Falls
A Fair Judgement
Godheads Lament
Demon of the Fall "You guys want some DEAAAATH METAL?!?!"

another thing that pisses me off is kids that smoke pot at shows, how can someone not have respect for people around them about that shit. Everytime I moved away, someone else sparked a joint up next to me. DO THAT SHIT BEFORE THE SHOW, YOU FUCKING HIPPIES. you don't see opeth up on stage smoking jibbas in between songs do you? Die of cancer you cocksmokes.

toggletoggle post by erikofdeath   at Jan 19,2003 1:36pm
you dont deserve to like opeth
you liked tapping the vein for christsakes. the singer was totally beat. ass ugly, and the band was just boring.
opeth, and pot go hand and hand. go see bane or something "fag".

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 19,2003 1:55pm
I thought they played "the leper affinity" too, but I always get that song and bleak confused (tracks 1 & 2 off bwp).
I think cause they are right next to each other.

I also figured with the 7" release on robitic empire coming up ("patterns in the ivy II" and "still day beneath the sun") that they would have played one of those tracks too.
Still, with 1 1/2 hours playing, it was fucking awesome.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 19,2003 2:43pm edited Jan 19,2003 2:55pm
okay erikofdeath, how long have you been listening to opeth? probably about as long as you've been a member of this message board. .

"pot and opeth go hand in hand" what is opeth the grateful dead of fucking death metal now? yeah it looked like the pot kids were having fun when they were just standing there expressionless for the entire set. either that, or talking instead of watching the band.

and about tapping the vein, I was waaay out back during the first 2 bands and basically could only see her body. I wondered what her face looked like and figured I'd find out later once arron posted the pics anyways. She was a decent singer, not quite up there with lacuna coil or the gathering. Either way you fucking fuck. All I said was she had boobs not a beautiful face. haha.

and rev. yeah I think they did play lepper affinity instead of wreath. sorry.

toggletoggle post by TomNehek  at Jan 19,2003 3:31pm
Hey I'd bone that chick

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 19,2003 5:16pm
it's nice to see that you enjoyed the show. but please refrain from dissing the people who smoke pot. what the fuck do you expect when you go to a concert you dumbass. every fucking concert has weed smokers.

toggletoggle post by dreadkill  at Jan 19,2003 6:50pm
best band ever. best show ever.

toggletoggle post by erikofdeath   at Jan 20,2003 4:02pm edited Jan 20,2003 4:04pm

toggletoggle post by erikofdeath   at Jan 20,2003 4:02pm edited Jan 20,2003 4:04pm

toggletoggle post by erikofdeath   at Jan 20,2003 4:03pm
Opeth fan since your arms your hearse
I'd say they are more of the pink floyd of death metal
nothing technically profficient about the greatfull dead.
one thing that pissed me off about the kids smoking pot at opeth is that i wasnt one of them.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 20,2003 4:06pm
your a retard, shut up. please.

toggletoggle post by erikofdeath   at Jan 20,2003 4:38pm
F you asscancer

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 20,2003 6:22pm edited Jan 20,2003 6:22pm
<<please refrain from dissing the people who smoke pot. what the fuck do you expect when you go to a concert you dumbass. every fucking concert has weed smokers.>>

the blatant gayness of that statement just makes me want to smash your face in. all straightedge ideology aside, that was just queer. i know plenty of kids who like to smoke but would still laugh at what you just shit out. if i see you at a """"CONCERT"""" smoking weed near me because you think being in a room where people are playing music somehow garauntees you the right to blow your stupid smoke in my face i'll stomp on your lungs just for being a fag.

go back to ozzfest, and your WAAF chat rooms dickbag.

the x's mean porn.

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 21,2003 11:40pm
you straightedge people are fucking retarded. "OHHH, i can't have sexual relations unless it means something!" "OMG! it's the wacky tobaccy! only losers smoke that! i can't touch that! i'm a badass straightedge person and i'm hardcore! YES! I LISTEN TO OPETH! oh, did you hear the new poison the well cd yet?"

if you insist on being a keyboard warrior mike why dont you fucking meet me at the next show you dickless straigtedge wanna be metaler.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 22,2003 12:41am
pffffffft. you're on dude. hmmm lemme see feb 8th, 49 monk st. DBD, Sub Zero, Full Blown Chaos, Cease 2 Exist, I should be there if you want to show up and show me whats what. fag.

if you had bothered to read any of what i wrote you'd notice that straightedge wasn't the issue, it was you and your terminal boneritus leaking all over the screen. but that would have required some actual comprehension on your part, what the fuck was I thinking huh? you're a clown, i called you on it. deal. and if you think i'm gonna back down to some stoner internet gaywad don't count on it. now how bout you go sit by the clock and wait for 4:20, or till you stop breathing, whichever comes first.

ftd - cpc - xescx

toggletoggle post by frankESC at Jan 22,2003 12:45am
your a fucking faggot.. threaten my friend again, and i'll crack your fucking skull.. ill also be at that show feb. 8th, if you want, i'll wear a name tag so you can figure out who i am.. come to the show and i will fucking destroy you.... if you have any further problems with me or my friends e-mail me later FAGGOT!

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 22,2003 12:45am
and since when is poison the well a straightedge band, new kids on the block wasn't edge and neither is ptw. jesus, get a clue, buy one if you have to, then come back and try and argue.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 22,2003 6:41am edited Jan 22,2003 6:45am
most of my friends smoke 'tobaccy' you fag. It doesn't mean I idleize them for it, and sure as hell not weak enough to fall for peer pressure like you fag.

lyrics to my new death song:

your gonna get cancer, your gonna get cancer
I can't wait, I can't wait
It will be sweet, Tumors oozing out of your asshole
chemo therapy, no pubes
lungs siezed, boners deceased
yellow teeth, piss mouthwash?

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 22,2003 11:30am
im still baffled that he said "wacky tabaccy" yea, congrats you're a badass. you're a cowboy from hell, smoke crack and worship the devil wooooo. you probably have a closet full of wife beaters and leather jackets. you got me dooood i'm officially impressed. you are by far the toughest most repectable kid ever. fRoM nOw On I wAnT 2 bE kEwL lYkE u fayyyyg.

i have a whole lot of friends who i wouldn't call losers that happen to smoke the "wacky tabaccy" but would never call it something that queer. then again, you smoke it, you're a loser, so maybe there's still some correlation. i've been edge my whole life and if you think you're the first gaywad who's ever challenged it you're wrong. and when your arguement is "straightedge is retarded 420!!! BLAAHHHH" you're just making an ass of yourself. trying to save face by acting hard is just as gay. go back to the mall chump.

and i don't even like opeth. hahahahahahahahahaha

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 22,2003 12:08pm
I don't smoke pot... but my parents did
so I would rather someone who's standing next to me smoke pot instead.
It reminds me of being 5 years old, sitting with my hippie parents and their friends while listening to 70's rock.

though I hate cigarettes with a passion (when people smoke around me I get a sore throat and my cloths stink)

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jan 22,2003 12:09pm
my cloths stink worse I mean
as I don't bathe, cause it's not metal to be clean

toggletoggle post by ratt_mowe at Jan 22,2003 12:45pm
hmmm all i have to say is..... i smoke weed, but i dont go around proclaiming how cool it is that i do and i dont try to justify it by making others feel stupid for not smoking it. and i'm sure tom and mike dont think less of me because i smoke, because i am not one to make mention of it to them or try to shove it down their throat. they are straight edge. good for them, more power to them. i have much respect for them to be able to have that sort of self control. pretty much what i am getting at here is ok, you smoke pot. how fucking special. dont think it makes you cool, or a better person than someone who doesnt, because it sure as fuck doesnt. have some respect for those around you. dont be an asshole. music is music. music has nothing to do with drugs. and yes, if you are going to go to a "'"'"CONCERT"'"'", do it out in the parking lot before the show... dont be a blanant retard and make those around you uncomfortable just because you have a dependency on a plant.

toggletoggle post by frank ESC at Jan 22,2003 1:17pm
MY post had absolutely nothing to dowith weed, i used to smoke weed, i no-longer do, i dont give a fuck what anyone does,, do whatever makes you happy.. respect what i believe and i'll respect what you believe... as far as i'm concerned the conversation changed when that litte faggot threatened my friend,, kids are so fucking tough on a computer.but they have absolutely nothing to say in real life...

toggletoggle post by frankESC at Jan 22,2003 1:21pm
oh yeah, by the way opeth sucks!!! hahahahahha

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 22,2003 1:47pm
absolutely matt. you smoke. i don't. we get along fine.
rather, my hatred of matt stems from my jelousy of him being in TYAG brooootal without gay satan lyrics. hahaha.

toggletoggle post by ratt_mowe at Jan 22,2003 2:00pm
hahaha yes mike i understand that is why you hate me.... but i thought devon had talked to you about our little idea.....

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 22,2003 11:45pm
You're saying that I didn't comprehend YOUR post? Ask yourself this question: When did I say that I smoke weed? I don't. You don't even know me and yet you're calling me a "loser" and a "fag". You're in highschool aren't you? You should be... still using homophobic disses... how mature.

I simply stated that I dislike people who are straightedge who go around mocking people who do drugs. It's their own fucking life, it's not yours. You do what you want, they do what they want. End of story. If it comes to the point where it bothers you at concerts, then tell them to put it out or move a few feet over. Do all the hardcore kids have to resort to violence? Ah yes, on the computer too. It's nice to see that I'm getting threatened yet no one even knows who I am. Hah. Some of you people don't even belong at concerts for being immature. I can understand if you think people who smoke pot are being ignorant... but what about the hardcore people who go around kicking random people just for the hell of it? Hell, hardcore pits are just random highschool kids throwing punches... not much to it. Later dudes... if I offended you with my opinion then don't get bitchy about it.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 23,2003 1:04am
excuse me dr. mosh authority. please go back to 1995 when people still cared about debating that point. and as for the whole "blah blah straightedge is ignorant for not appreciating how cool i look with this joint in my mouth" heard it before, not impressed. if you don't even smoke then why the hell are you even arguing about it. exactly. invest in the lost art of shutting up and the world will be a better place. and don't give me this internet thug routine because you called me out, i gave you the where and when, and there it is. blahhhhhhhh

i have to goto bed now because apparently im still in highschool.

hail satan. wooo.

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 23,2003 4:15am

you're so easily angered

I'm sticking up for them because, well, I don't hate them. There's no need TO hate them (unless they actually blow the smoke in your face on purpose). I used to smoke so it really doesn't bother me that much. I just don't like when people diss them without having a true reason to back it up. I have straightedge friends and they respect them... so I'm cool with that. Blah, it's 4AM and I gotta get up in a few hours... later

toggletoggle post by i'myourpusher at Jan 23,2003 6:30am
don't threaten my hero or i will have to stomp on your head! (yup, internet threats, aren't they fun?)blank

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 23,2003 6:32am edited Jan 23,2003 4:02pm
"you straightedge people are fucking retarded. "OHHH, i can't have sexual relations unless it means something!" "OMG! it's the wacky tobaccy! only losers smoke that! i can't touch that!"

yeah it sounds like you respect straightedge people. you fucking cocksmoke.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 23,2003 11:46am
haha. point to Tom. Final score - edge kids 4583 gay guy 0
so much for your life guy.

hail satan.
kill whitey.

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 24,2003 12:30am
RustedAngel = notice during the posts I said the Straigtedge people who mock the people who do drugs because they think they are better than them. Another thing is how they keep adding posts to this redundant topic just to try to get their point across and threaten other people.

toggletoggle post by luke at Jan 24,2003 1:06am
i don't usually get involved with message board drama, but illusion, you're clearly a moron and i'm not even straightedge at all. you make threats and mike calls your bluff. stop being a message board warrior and confront people in person...dick.

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 24,2003 3:03am
"if you insist on being a keyboard warrior mike why dont you fucking meet me at the next show you dickless straigtedge wanna be metaler." ----
Isn't a threat, moron. Not once did I threaten to hurt him in that (unlike him and his friend who threatened to 'crack my skull in' while he wants to 'smash my face'. I just stated that HE'S being the keyboard warrior in this case and if he really wants to talk trash to me then he can do it to my face. Then, just maybe, I would do something about it. I guess it was an invitation for them to threat me but oh well, what ya gonna do? A bunch of hardcore highschool kids against a 6'6'' metalhead? Ha, that would be the day. And no, I don't share a hatred towards him but he seemingly wants to hate me because I'm THE idiot for stating that WEEDSMOKE doesn't bother me at concerts. You people should stop making such a big deal out of nothing and get on with your happy posting lives. Good day.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Jan 24,2003 6:33am
ILulULUSion69420: shut up then you n00b.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 24,2003 11:17am
we are not in high school. we are just as old and as "tall" as you. you're not tough. you're not cool. you're not intelligent. if you care to continue to make something out of this you know where and when. otherwise i'd say you're done talking.

toggletoggle post by -iLluSiON- at Jan 24,2003 4:26pm edited Jan 24,2003 6:47pm
"You people should stop making such a big deal out of nothing and get on with your happy posting lives. Good day."

this thread is obsolete. half of you didn't even attend the opeth show and yet you're still posting here.

Again, if you continue to try to mock me for ridiculous reasons, it just shows you how stupid you people are. This conversation should have ended a long time ago. Please, SHUT THE FUCK UP. thanks for your time.

toggletoggle post by just an observer at Jan 24,2003 7:44pm
blankyou are the one who keeps posting on this board. so heres a suggestion: if you want this drama to cease--STOP POSTING your thoughts here. damn, this isn't a journal. get over yourself!oh, and opeth sucks...yupisaidit---GOOD DAY TO YOU MR!

toggletoggle post by just an observer at Jan 24,2003 7:44pm
blankyou are the one who keeps posting on this board. so heres a suggestion: if you want this drama to cease--STOP POSTING your thoughts here. damn, this isn't a journal. get over yourself!oh, and opeth sucks...yupisaidit---GOOD DAY TO YOU MR!

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jan 24,2003 11:36pm
point goes to the random guy. final score gay guy - 0 rest of the world - alot.

you lost. chug some bleach. get dead fast. hail satan. haha fayyg.

toggletoggle post by just an observer at Jan 25,2003 5:05pm
thanks for the points, but who ever said i was a guy? (wink, wink)

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 10,2003 8:48am
so feb. 8th came and went. and i didn't get beat up by at "6 5 metal guy". haha didn't think so. point to me.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 10,2003 9:39am
I think we should all forget our differences and agree on one thing that we all hate.
that guy with bat wings at the opeth show.
You know he spent all night in his mom's basement making those

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Feb 10,2003 9:47am

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Dec 14,2006 12:25am

toggletoggle post by arillius nli at Dec 14,2006 12:54am
haha. seriously. who does this.

toggletoggle post by qhwrfd89qio at Oct 5,2014 8:22am
The singer of tapping the vein got nice titties. id tap that shit...... with my dick

toggletoggle post by Spydre  at Oct 5,2014 9:22am
I was at this show. Tapping the Vein sucked and their singer was definitely a double bagger.

toggletoggle post by Bandcamp troll at Jan 18,2018 8:12pm
This thread is pretty funny

toggletoggle post by AUTOPSY_666   at Jan 19,2018 3:35pm
That ugly fuck Mike needs his teeth knocked in.

toggletoggle post by CCacknballz at Jan 19,2018 4:48pm
JD you are a sad fella. #realnews

toggletoggle post by AUTOPSY_666   at Jan 19,2018 5:09pm
Sad how? Because I run a successful distro for 25 years and haven't worked for anyone else since 2001?

toggletoggle post by Will Rahmer nli at Jan 19,2018 10:07pm
Define “successful”

toggletoggle post by thomas‘ bagels at Jan 20,2018 11:42am
What Dwyer meant to say was “after my dim witted self fell off niagra falls and gained my fortune in 2001 I started my own business, I was an honest bloke at first but realized the only way to impress women out of my league was to flash my cash. After doing shady deals and screwing some clients over I got what I needed until cash wasn’t enough for me to be attractive. Women must’ve adapted over the years to see beyond the green so I decide to take the rapist approach since it worked out for other entrepreneurs over the centuries but alas I too failed in that retrospect but I still have my dignity and will brush it off like nothing happened like the businessmen I wish to be would do so as well.”

toggletoggle post by AUTOPSY_666   at Jan 20,2018 1:04pm
Pathos Productions was established in 1993.

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