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returntothepit >> discuss >> A Hypothesis: The Worst Drivers by Martins on Jul 15,2008 3:02pm
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toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 15,2008 3:02pm edited Jul 15,2008 3:10pm
So I've been driving for a few years now and I like to think of myself as a decent and vigilant driver. I like to look at the faces of drivers as they drive by and especially when they do something stupid. Something I've noticed is that much more often than not, the worst drivers on the road are women. I know that is already a stereotype but I want to prove it.

My hypothesis is that women are naturally bad drivers when compared to men. This may be because of their natural inability to perceive depth as well as their male counterparts.

Let's prove it.

Every time you see a driver do something stupid, look in to see who the driver is and make a post with what sex and in what age group they were on here. I will collect that data and make charts and graphs. I guarantee you they will be women most of the time. Especially the age extremes, young (16-25 or so) and elderly.

I'm not misogynistic and I'm not saying ALL women are bad drivers but I want cold hard facts and lulz.

toggletoggle post by thuringwethil at Jul 15,2008 3:04pm
I know how to parallel park pretty darn well

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 15,2008 3:06pm
I don't. I'm terrible at it. I'm just making an observatory hypothesis I want proven lol.

toggletoggle post by mOe  at Jul 15,2008 3:08pm
I cant help but agree with you on this one...even my gf (who doesnt drive very often at all on account of her eyesight) will agree when in the car with me that the most boneheaded drivers are women 75% of the time.

toggletoggle post by yummy at Jul 15,2008 3:08pm
I have to go out for a bit. I'll post results.

toggletoggle post by metal_church101  at Jul 15,2008 3:11pm
One of my co-workers (who is asian) said that by far, the worst drivers are asian women.

toggletoggle post by dreadkill  at Jul 15,2008 3:13pm
the worst drivers are rhode islanders.

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 15,2008 3:15pm
metal_church101 said[orig][quote]
One of my co-workers (who is asian) said that by far, the worst drivers are asian women.

That is probably true but they're still women!

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 15,2008 3:16pm
aside from the train ride into Natick, my commute is walking. i walk an hour and a half every day, and have for almost 2 years, so i've spent a lot of time watching drivers for my own safety, and i have to agree. i am not misogynistic either, its just something i see. i can't begin to count how many times i would have been taken out by a woman on a cell phone had i not been paying attention.

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 15,2008 3:17pm
of course i've had close calls with guys too, but like 8 out of 10 times its a woman behind the wheel.

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 15,2008 3:17pm
My point exactly. Statistics point to women sucking dick at driving cars way more than men.

toggletoggle post by The true CNV at Jul 15,2008 10:04pm
women actually have lower insurance rates then men because statistically men get in more accidents.

There was a show on tv that was about the worst American city's for driver's

Miami was number one
Boston got 3rd

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 15,2008 10:17pm
I dont need charts or graphs to tell me that most women cant drive for shit.
I see it every day.

The worst is a 17-25 year old asian girl on the cellphone.
Somehow, in magical cellphone land, all road rules and laws, no longer pertain to her, and nothing she does has any consequence.

I drive 60% of the day, everyday. By 4-5 oclock, I want to behead motherfuckers, due to stupidity, but I pride myself on my valiant restraint. One day tho....the fuckin machete will come out.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Jul 15,2008 10:33pm
The%20true%20CNV said[orig][quote]
women actually have lower insurance rates then men because statistically men get in more accidents.

Bad drives often DO NOT get in wrecks, but they make road conditions bad and cause other people to get in wrecks. All of the really shitty drivers I know personally have minimal wrecks/tickets. It's because they're retarded, not fast.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Jul 15,2008 10:33pm
powerkok said[orig][quote]
The worst is a 17-25 year old asian girl on the cellphone.

Followed shortly by a black woman, and finally, anyone in an SUV.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 15,2008 10:44pm
Yeah thats very true.
Black woman are right behind asians, only due to the fact that most black woman can see over the steering wheel.

Some dumb white cunt backed over my Corrola a few years ago while at a stop sign.

Read that closely.
BACKED OVER my car while at a stop sign.
I wasnt there, my wife was driving.
One guess as to the vehicle make?
Bitch didnt even look or notice that a fucking 4 door car was behind her.
I still want to rip that dumb yuppie bitches tits off and feed em to her family, but I, as before mentioned, have vigilant restraint.

toggletoggle post by IllinoisEnemaBradness at Jul 15,2008 11:22pm
i'll never forget when i was sitting in my car on tremont Street right by the Wang Center. I hear lots of beeping, look up to see an asian woman going really fast the wrong way down Tremont(3 lane one way street). She almost hits me while turning around, doing a billion point turn even though it's 3 lanes....probably my biggest WTF moment of 2005

toggletoggle post by archaeon at Jul 15,2008 11:32pm
The%20true%20CNV said[orig][quote]
women actually have lower insurance rates then men because statistically men get in more accidents.

That's from speeding/taking risks not the ability to handle the vehicle.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 16,2008 1:01am
how the fuck is it after 1952 and this is a real honest to goodness thread? have you guys ever seen a single stand up comedian besides red buttons? jesus christ. I can't watch more than 2 minutes of comedy central with out someone making fun of either women, asian, or asian women drivers. dudes, the 1970's called, they want their material back.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 16,2008 1:03am
martins on so many drugs he's forgotten 50+ years of comedy.

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 16,2008 1:05am
omg wutz diz comidee u tok abot?

No, I know. I even said I'm aware of the stereotype but I'm just showing everyone that there's actual proof out there to substantiate the stereotype. In actuality, this thread was probably not necessary. I'm drunk off Roxicet so touch my left testicle.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 16,2008 1:08am
did the doctors give you it back in a jar?

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 16,2008 1:09am
NO! I asked them to but they were all like no because parents get freaked out. I told the bitch to suck me off but she only gave me a shitty handjob. :(

Wait, my testicle or my tonsils?

toggletoggle post by NoodleFace at Jul 16,2008 2:54am
I always noticed whenever somebody cuts me off or does something completely retarded on the road that their car has a ton of dents and crushed in panels all over it.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 16,2008 8:13am
In terms of driving, I encountered many idiots today on the way to work, but 2 of them were severe idiots. These people were women.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jul 16,2008 8:24am

toggletoggle post by grizloch   at Jul 16,2008 8:56am
so I work in emergency road service at AAA, and in my two weeks here I've only encountered 2 accidents, guess who was driving...

in a related story, I was on the nys thruway pulling up to a tollbooth and as is usual at 5pm it was backed the fuck up, so I stopped, who runs into my van's trailerhitch but a stoned college aged girl from vermont...

women suck at driving

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Jul 16,2008 9:11am
powerkok said[orig][quote]
I still want to rip that dumb yuppie bitches tits off and feed em to her family, but I, as before mentioned, have vigilant restraint.

I'm all for Chinese-style eugenics: single bullet to the back of the head. Their knees buckle, and they fall slightly forward, where a ditch should be waiting.

toggletoggle post by Mitch Hedberg at Jul 16,2008 10:01am
powerkok said[orig][quote]

One guess as to the vehicle make?

Dude, you gotta give me time to guess.

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 16,2008 10:47am
i take a cab in the morning to the train station, and this morning was the first time a woman was driving, and it was also the first time i had to tense up because i thought she was going to hit something from not paying full attention. it happened more than once. i hate to sound sexist but man, it keeps happening.

toggletoggle post by Yeti at Jul 16,2008 10:49am
succubus said[orig][quote]

they scare me the most. most of the time when its men or women driving and something dumb happens, its just due to negligence or something. but with old people, they just don't realize what they are doing.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jul 16,2008 10:59am
We need to define some perameters here. What counts as a stupid act, and are there varying degrees of stupidity?

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 16,2008 11:02am edited Jul 16,2008 11:03am
almost got backed over by some stupid broad in a giant truck yesterday.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 16,2008 11:02am
I think most people (men, women, white, black, asian, old, young, middle aged, etc.) suck at driving. I used to work as a car transporter for a car rental company meaning I was on the road most of my day, and more often than not, someone would do something stupid on the road. If you drive enough, you'll see someone try something they shouldn't, and it's all walks of life in my experience.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jul 16,2008 11:27am
Jul 16,2008 10:49am - Yeti]

succubus said:OLD PEOPLE

they scare me the most. most of the time when its men or women driving and something dumb happens, its just due to negligence or something. but with old people, they just don't realize what they are doing.
so true..
my first car accident was due to an 80 yr old man craching head on with me on a ONE WAY...i saw him beeped...and veered to my right...i tried avoiding him and then he veered left...argh..
i can't tell you how many scary things i see them do...and they don't know it half the time.

recently...aaron and i were in my car...going through a ONE WAY dunkin donuts drive thru...and this old man comes charging up...i had a line of cars behind me..i couldn't back up...he thought he could somehow fit in between me and the tall bushes..umm NO...we beeped and yelled and even the DnD lady at the window yelled he shook his head and kept going...finally aaron got out of the car..and he got he backed out...and hit a trash can and left

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jul 16,2008 11:28am
my coworker got wiped out on his bycycle by a dude in an SUV that didn't see him...he decided to turn right without a signal and hit my friend who was riding his bike straight in front of him...the dude in the SUV didn't bother checking his mirror...he is paying for my friend's med bills and bike repairs.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 16,2008 11:30am
the more south you go, the worse it gets.

toggletoggle post by grizloch   at Jul 16,2008 11:35am
I have a sweet picture on my cell of this little old lady standing next to her car that had just knocked the corner of a laundromat in albany off of its foundation, Id post it but Im at work

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 16,2008 11:42am
The 2 accidents I've been in that weren't work related, both were men (one white and one Guatemalan), and both rear ended me when I was at a stop light. The first one was the white guy. He was driving one of those huge conversion vans, and it was a clear day, but he claimed that he hydroplaned into me when it wasn't wet out, and it hadn't rained for days.

The second one was the Guatemalan guy (yes, he actually spoke English, although he had a fake ID), and it was pouring out. It was actually the intersection by Wonderland station and Club Lido for those that know that area. He hit me so hard, he actually pushed me into the middle of the intersection. My car ended up totalled. His car's (an old sports car) front end was basically vaporized, and all the fluids were leaking out of his engine. My guess was that he either wasn't paying attention or his brakes gave out. The dude and his 2-month pregnant girlfriend were too hurt to explain what happened.

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 16,2008 1:06pm
Well clearly idiots span the spectrums of race, sex, and age but my point is that more often than not women are going to do stupid things.

A few weeks ago on 28 (where a lot of young teenage dumb bleach blond bitches drive at ridiculous speeds because they have to go get drunk at 3 in the afternoon at their bleach blond friend's 9,000,000 sq. ft. home) I was at a stoplight maybe 3 cars back and the car in front of me was trying to switch to the lane to the right of us. Suddenly some bitch comes by in that right lane at about 60 miles per hour JUST as the light turns green and misses the car in front of me by centimeters. It was one of those things where your car rocks side to side a ton from the wind. Fuck that bitch. She was in an SUV, btw.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 16,2008 3:17pm
Yeah, but what color was her hair?

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Jul 16,2008 4:46pm
Women drive significantly less than men on average that is probably the main reason they have less accidents.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 16,2008 4:48pm
Rev, this has nothing to do with comedy. It is in fact not funny at all.
Did a woman crush your Corrolla? No? Not yet?
When it happens, let me know if you think woman are still undeserving of this.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Jul 16,2008 4:51pm
also keep in mind who is more likely to drive drunk from societal standards.

toggletoggle post by sxealex   at Jul 16,2008 4:51pm
rev drives a honda :p

toggletoggle post by CtB0rderpatrol at Jul 17,2008 12:38am
top 3: women, asians, bostonians.

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Jul 17,2008 12:41am
asian women, whether its from china or india, or where ever else, are the worst. women in general are pretty bad though.

toggletoggle post by Arist  at Jul 17,2008 12:55am
Whenever I see women drive terribly, they usually throw their hands in the air and just gun it when they make a stupid mistake. So many times I see them pulling out without having right of way, cutting off people and getting scared when the moment comes that I could see a mile away. somehow throwing your hands in the air and looking confused is a way to get out of traffic jams

toggletoggle post by Martins   at Jul 17,2008 1:51am
Every time I see that a woman is driving a car near me I'm always super cautious.

Today some female asshole was sticking halfway into the street through a stop sign on a main road and it barely allowed for two cars to pass. She was a stupid bitch and I cock slapped her with Mark Richard's balls.

toggletoggle post by JDDomination   at Jul 19,2008 11:35am
succubus said[orig][quote]

I work for Scott's Lawn Service so I'm out on the road all day as well. I'm going through Columbian Square in Weymouth(admittedly the worst intersection I've ever seen). I have the right of way and this old mutherfucker california-rolls it through the stop sign straight into my company vehicle. I pullover and call an officer and the dude gets out and starts calling me a "fuckin animal". This is about the time I notice he's wearing a Pirate-style eye patch on his right eye(coincidentally on the same side I was rightfully approaching from). The officer saw the damage and knew exactly what happened. The old man got his citation and ended up with a wrecked minivan he had to explain to his wife about. Ha!

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 30,2008 9:16am
OK so the last time I posted here I encountered 2 stupid women drivers.

Now, Monday I was behind some fucking idiot for miles. When I got next to him it was a guy reading the fucking newspaper.

Yesterday I was behind another retard. This person had a weiner.

All people are idiots. I don't care if they have tits. I hate them all.

toggletoggle post by fleshfries at Jul 30,2008 9:22am
I think the worst people are the ones who think that if they drive nice cars, then they own the fucking road.

I was driving down Pleasant St in Weymouth and this dude in a BMW [out of nowhere] gets right up on my ass trying to pass me and shit. The best part was that my Ford was much bulkier than his tiny little BMW, so stopping him from passing each time wasn't hard.

I fucking hate these drivers.

toggletoggle post by orgymf@work at Jul 30,2008 9:49am
two weeks ago, i was going straight in the right lane, the middle lane wasn't moving, someone cuts out in front of me, just as i am 5 feet behind their car (going roughly 40 miles per hour), i had to slam on the brakes, popped my car up on the sidewalk and narrowly avoided hitting this piece of shit's was a woman

i have been rear-ended six times since i started driving (a little over ten years ago)
each time by a female driver.

i almost got in to a head on collision with some waste of space going the wrong way on a one way top it off, the dumb cunt had the sack to step out of her car and yell at me, and call me a dumbass for almost hitting her!!!
i told her she needed to learn how to read, her response was "i am a harvard educated woman", so i asked her "well, if you are so well educated, how come you were not able to read the 2 signs at the end of this street that clearly said "one way" and "do not enter"?"

for a nearly a minute, she stared at me, looking aggravated, but not able to think of anything to say in defense of how retarded what she just did was..., then she walked away, muttering nasty things about me under her breath, then got back in her car and drove around me (continuing to go the wrong way on a one way)

on a daily basis, i see anywhere between 2 and 15 dumb broads looking in a (vanity or rear-view) mirror doing make up while driving.

i could go on and on

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