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returntothepit >> discuss >> Who's going to be in RI on thursday? by joostin on Aug 27,2003 1:49pm
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Aug 28, 2003 Box of Knives (Olneyville, RI)
aganihm - 2003-08-28
flash animated slider show
dysentery - 2003-08-28
flash animated slider show
gentleman_distaster - 2003-08-28
Gentleman Distaster(9)
flash animated slider show
lasers - 2003-08-28
flash animated slider show
randomshots - 2003-08-28
flash animated slider show
shading_the_end - 2003-08-28
Shading The End(47)
flash animated slider show
terminally_your_aborted_ghost - 2003-08-28
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost(48)
flash animated slider show
the_nightmare_continues - 2003-08-28
The Nightmare Continues(43)
flash animated slider show
toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 27,2003 1:49pm edited Aug 27,2003 1:50pm
Hopefully this show will have an excellent turn out so that these fine gentlemen throwing the show will be able to have more and more.
oh, and if you forgot the details...

@ Box of Knives, Olneyville RI
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost
Shading The End
The Nightmare Continues
Gentleman Disasters
doors @ 9:00
5$ - all ages

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 27,2003 1:58pm
I will be.
though late shows are for fags.

I won't be able to get the pictures up until the next morning.
unless this place has an internet connection I can tap into.
hm... these shows should be web-casted.
I once watched a nile show webcasted from a bar

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Aug 27,2003 1:59pm
if you want maybe we can go to the building in franklin

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 27,2003 3:13pm
ill be there *giggles with hand over mouth*

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Aug 27,2003 3:14pm
don't forget the shells

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 27,2003 3:14pm
succubus said:
don't forget the shells

i didnt plan to

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 27,2003 3:15pm
yeah, i'm not sure if a warehouse is going to have a net line

toggletoggle post by xeatadickx  at Aug 27,2003 7:05pm
yeah yeah, everyone better show up! if not, ill burn down the palladium and the met. then what will you do for metal shows? nothing, bitchessssssssss

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 27,2003 9:48pm
good show.
q's: will a stereo be hooked up to the pa?
we need to use cabs

toggletoggle post by severmywrists at Aug 27,2003 10:00pm edited Aug 27,2003 10:01pm
hhhmmm... maybe i can make it. who knows...

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 27,2003 10:40pm
joostin said:
Hopefully this show will have an excellent turn out so that these fine gentlemen throwing the show will be able to have more and more.
oh, and if you forgot the details...

@ Box of Knives, Olneyville RI
Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost
Shading The End
The Nightmare Continues
Gentleman Disasters
doors @ 9:00
5$ - all ages

is that the set order? fuck. i thought we were playing early. i dont want to be getting home too late. but it looks like we will be. again.

P.S. sexy pants i got room in my car to take you. there and home.

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 27,2003 11:07pm
i'm not sure if that's the set list

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 27,2003 11:29pm
joostin said:
i'm not sure if that's the set list

cool cause i was frettin' haha.

toggletoggle post by severmywrists at Aug 28,2003 12:21am edited Aug 28,2003 12:23am
tyagxgrind said:
P.S. sexy pants i got room in my car to take you. there and home.

maybe if we leave Brica early and just chill some place else haha i could prolly stay out all night till the show ends and have you drop me back off or i could just stay over your place or something till like the next day if that's possible. if not, i guess if you could make the drive back to my town that late. uugghh it sounds like too much of a hassle.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 28,2003 1:38am edited Aug 28,2003 1:39am
hm.. devon.. sounds like a really really hard decision.
things that make you go hm....

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 28,2003 2:17am
i live a lot closer to billerica than devon... i could possibly take you home or whatever just so devon can make it home on time... *shrug*

toggletoggle post by George   at Aug 28,2003 4:06am
i'll be there, obviously.
hopefully i wont fuck up.
when are we(aganihm) going on?
jay told me second to last?

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 28,2003 12:03pm
RI is gonna get fucked. hahaha. Had to say it.

toggletoggle post by armageddonday   at Aug 28,2003 2:33pm
RI is going to get fucked? Why are you even bothering playing in RI then?

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 28,2003 2:45pm
i'm not playing anymore,

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 28,2003 3:52pm
dag, we're staying home to see Timberlake win the best video award

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 29,2003 3:02am
insane show
lets all have a moment of silence for the poor cow who got ripped and gutted during shading the end...... :*(

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 29,2003 3:13am
Hey thanks to Chris Barnes for coming out. I didn't get to ask him the details of the new Six Feet Under/Rob Zombie split coming out. I tried to talk to the guy and all he could get out was:


toggletoggle post by xPaulBLAHBLAHx   at Aug 29,2003 4:23am
The show was fun. The place was pretty odd looking but cool. The sound in the place wasnt great at all but it was still a ton of fun to play there. A bunch of noisy industrial bands played i didnt dig them at all. STE played we totally sucked it up tonight due to the fact all that we heard was random feedback. I probably should have moved the PA considering it was next to my head. The nightmare continues went on next. We were busy breaking shit down at the time so i only got to litsen in. ONce again the sound quality i think killed there performance but none the less the demo is pretty sick and they are awesome dudes.Dysentery played next and in my opinon they sounded the best of the night. They played a new song that was so fucking brutal. Aganihm played next they were pretty sick techy death metal. TYAG played next closing the show. They sounded sick and played some brutal music as usual. At the end of the night we got to see the almighty dysentery Will almost murder about 7 punk rockers. Im glad they are setting up shows there its in a rough part of town and someone almost got mugged but I cant wait to play there again.

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Aug 29,2003 5:00am
joostin said:
dag, we're staying home to see Timberlake win the best video award

Johnny Cash didn't win. Johnny Cash should've won. Fuck everything for Johnny Cash not winning. Fuck. Fuckedy fuck fuck. Johnny Cash.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 29,2003 7:41am
I just got in.
working on the pictures now.

sorry, I slept at succubus's house and she has no cable to use.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 29,2003 8:48am

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Aug 29,2003 9:08am
i may not have cable...but i have a satellite with ALL the channels and a big screen (not too shabby for someone who doesn't watch TV)

come sept 15...and i will have it though! woo woo wireless cable!

The show was awesome and the Rev didn't even have to stab anyone with his knives...check out the band pics...they are definitely keepers...***** show and ***** pics

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 29,2003 9:23am edited Aug 29,2003 9:26am
I guess there was a almost-mugging of some of the aganihm kids. sucks. Onlyville is probably the weirdest place on earth. I kept expecting frozen corpses stuff with dope, honky reduction, and a ton of other ANb songs to play out. That place is urban blite in all it's crapulent glory. On the good side, the venue seemed cool, more like a high school keg-party than anything else.
qoute this for "muggings, hookers, cat piss and cheap band practice space, only in onlyville!" - me 2003-08-29

gentleman distaster: noisey elektro. the guy had a EA-1, a dr goove (or some boss) and that new roland cheater low end station. it wasn't bad. fast with screaming.

lasers: like GD above, but more elektro sounding. They had a EA-1, ER-1. After tons of technical dificulties, they finally went on. Short songs. They/he remined me of a low-tech version of terrortron.

shading the end: good set, lots of people dancing. I love when they play and the kids in the crowd who are dancing around say things like "dur dur dur dun" along with the music.

the nightmare continues: not much room for a 5 piece band of guys to run around in, but they played good. Granted, that room was the small room and I couldn't hear a lot of things. It seems they've cut out most of the slow parts or phazed them out or something cause they only had one with a slow-breaking of the song at the end of the last song.

dysentery: I was running around snapping dring their set and then all-of-a-sudden I of sprayed with something. I snapped a few more pictures and then realized I had been sprayed by glass from a knocked down light. (I agree with xpaul..x they sounded the best out of the night)

aganihm: never seen nor heard of these guys before. They dressed like a bunch of post-2-tone rudeboys, but played awesome. The drumming was really fast. and they have the bassplayer of as long as we're all living... we're all dying.

terminally your aborted ghost: man, that first song fucking sucked. The vocals sounded like crap and they fucked up a bunch. I thought the whole set was going to go like that, but by the 2nd song, they were locked in and played pretty damn good after that. Though the PA was a little overblown and fed back er.. feeded back... feedbacked.. whatever, it did it a lot.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 29,2003 12:38pm
The lighting cigarettes in prison deal - As Dunny would say, there isn't enough band width on this site to fully describe this nonsense. I'll say this, the guy knows how to clear out a room.

The next 2 bands that sounded exactly the same - I always wondered what would happen if you gave a microwave and a vcr recording time. And now I know, thanks.

Shading the End - Killed. I'm really excited about the direction this band is going in. The vocals are insane. The music is superb. My only criticism of this band is that they almost always build up to their breakdowns the same way. Otherwise I can't get enough of it.

The Nightmare Continues - wouldn't know.

Dysentery - I fucking love this band. They've improved about 100x from the last time I saw them. Will is finally gaining his confidence as a singer. I can't wait to see this band play a really good show.

Whoever that other band was - I thought this band was pretty decent for their age. I was actually fairly impressed by them. The singer flipped out because no one danced and that was a stupid thing to do. I hope they keep working at it though.

Terminally Your Aborted BeatBox - Matts guitar was way too low, but whatever cuz it was still a fun time running around screaming and watching punk kids get thrown around the room.

Highlights - Paul smashing the light.
Joe smashing that dildo metal kid who still hasn't smashed any of us with a bottle like he promised.
Chris Barnes, Kurt Cobain and fucking John Shaft all making appearances.

I'm smiling in every picture so I won't lie and say I didn't have an awsoem time, but i'll never go back to that dump again.

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 29,2003 1:09pm
what the fuck happened to that cow?

toggletoggle post by intricateprocess   at Aug 29,2003 1:15pm
ok, seriously, what the hell was up with the kid with the peanut butter. spalding said the kid has "add". so does my brother, but he isnt that retarded. it really sucks that someone almost got jumped, and its funny that will tried to fight those kids for no apparent reason what so ever. i dunno, there was just too much randomness. espically chis barnes showing up

toggletoggle post by armageddonday   at Aug 29,2003 1:31pm
"Joe smashing that dildo metal kid who still hasn't smashed any of us with a bottle like he promised. " "lets all have a moment of silence for the poor cow who got ripped and gutted during shading the end...... "

Well...I guess you're talking about Brian, he's not metal, he's punk. First of all.

If you guys wants to fucking have fights at shows, do it in clubs, or in MA.
The problem, with those fights and the kick boxing in those that if somebody get badly hurt and if we have to call an ambulance or some shit, or if the cops shows up that means no more DIY places in Providence. Those are our only places to book underground shows of all kind (noise, punk, hardcore, metal, grind, indie and indus...)there is 6 places activelly booking shows in the same block...if the cops start realizing that there is fights and all they're going to come down there, kick all the kids out of their spaces, that means no more shows and practice rooms.
If you come to a show in Olneyville, you'll have to put up with all the weirdos, that's how it works, everybody gets along pretty well so do the same. Otherwise go play somewhere else. This is our place, we don't want it shut down because of stupid fights.
So please cut the shit with the violence crap.
You know where to find me, so if any problem with what I just say, I can handle a talk...

toggletoggle post by dysenterydrummerjeff  at Aug 29,2003 1:57pm
i thought that was a fuckin sick show , even tho i dont remember much. i thought everyone tore it up . and id like to apologize to whoever's stuffed cow i ate ..

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 29,2003 3:11pm
armageddonday said:
"lets all have a moment of silence for the poor cow who got ripped and gutted during shading the end...... "

Well...I guess you're talking about Brian, he's not metal, he's punk. First of all.

i was actually talking about a stuffed cow that got ripped up. i didn't notice a punk kid get ripped and gutted..? haha although will was close to doing so.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 29,2003 3:16pm
Im not talking about any punk rock kids. Im talking about a metal guy who was at the dying fetus show last sunday at the met. He was quoted as saying he was going to smash one of us with a bottle. So Joe crowdpunched him. Don't tell me what I mean.

As far as dancing goes all i have to say is.....Shading the End, Dysentery, and TYAG and Im NOT supposed to dance? Screw. Nobody got injured. It's not like any of us were huge guys looking to put someone in the hospital. We were having fun. Deal.

And as I mentioned before I will most likely never be returning to that ""club"" ever again. So there it is, I got to have fun at a show, and you get to keep your precious crappy basement apartment club. Win Win get off my back.

toggletoggle post by xPaulBLAHBLAHx   at Aug 29,2003 3:29pm
Will is amazing. fuck those punks in the hall way. The funny part was hearing the punks say " wah wah dont let him go out there that guy is going to kill him". The best part was that the punks talked shit on will when they drove away. Fucking fags, will is a manbeast that could systematicly crush the whole punk population.

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 29,2003 5:58pm
not for nothing dude, but if your boy had gotten into it with the punks, there would have been a lot more people on their side than his. think about what would happen if we came and started shit in your town.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 29,2003 7:00pm
nobody gives a shit what I do in my town just like I don't give a shit about hypothetical fights.

1 phone call and I could have the Bushwackers AND the Leigon of Doom all over that place. fact.0

toggletoggle post by severmywrists at Aug 29,2003 7:02pm
All in all it was a good night and not to forget there was free beer !!
It was nice meeting you Succubus. Sorry I kind of shied away from the crowd. Hahaha good thing I was buzzing 'cause I like completely missed all that fighting 'cept for when everyone was rushing outside. Thanks for the rides. Hahaha sorry Spalding I spilled the fries all over your floor. Of the few bands that I caught, and they were all good:
Aganihm, STE, Dysentery, & TYAG. I just didn't feel like walking over to the other side to go check the others. And last but not least yes that ruled, Chris Barnes made an appearance I'm disappointed I missed Kurt Cobain and John Shaft!

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 29,2003 7:50pm
question for xmikex, in all seriousness: why the hostility? seriously, every post you make on here is so angry. chill out dude, have some fun.

toggletoggle post by jay-ganihm  at Aug 29,2003 8:25pm
"Whoever that other band was - I thought this band was pretty decent for their age. I was actually fairly impressed by them. The singer flipped out because no one danced and that was a stupid thing to do. I hope they keep working at it though."

ok, this is jay. i play drums for AGANIHM. we aren't all that young dude, we just look it. i'm 19 in a week, brian's 21 in 2 weeks, kyle's 20, and george is 18. as for kyle freaking about kids not dancing, i don't understand why or how that qualifies as stupid. it sucks playing for people and having them stare at you, doing nothing. i understand how hard it is to dance to tech-metal but give the kid a break.

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 29,2003 8:37pm
i don't know where you guys are from but rarely do kids dance at shows in providence. it sucks at first, but you get used to it. also, it seems like those other 3 bands were all friends, so they all represented for each other.

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 29,2003 9:40pm
"as for kyle freaking about kids not dancing, i don't understand why or how that qualifies as stupid"

i don't know if i would go as far as to say it's stupid, but i can say this: i've been going to shows since i was 15 (i'm 24 now) and i've never seen anyone dance just because the band told them to. if they want to, they will. if they don't, it's not always a bad thing, you have to "know your audience"...some places (like providence) most kids don't dance. also, most people won't dance to a band they've never heard. it's ok dude. you guys did well.

toggletoggle post by dysenteryvokills at Aug 29,2003 11:17pm
all i have to say is providence can bring all the pussy punk kids they want as long as i get to rip at least threeof there thorats out and shove there decapitated heads up there ass im set. It would take more than providece to even take on RTTP crew and my fat ass! well thats all...and mike where the fuck is my root beer!

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 30,2003 1:30am
jay-ganihm said:
ok, this is jay. i play drums for AGANIHM. we aren't all that young dude, we just look it. i'm 19 in a week, brian's 21 in 2 weeks, kyle's 20, and george is 18. as for kyle freaking about kids not dancing, i don't understand why or how that qualifies as stupid. it sucks playing for people and having them stare at you, doing nothing. i understand how hard it is to dance to tech-metal but give the kid a break.

Yup you do look pretty young and Im also assuming that you're a relatively new band. You guys did pretty decent, and Im trying to give your band a compliment by saying you've got potential. Don't spoil it by giving me back talk Im trying to be an optimist for once.
I was in a little band called Letters From The Dead, our breakdowns lasted about 3 and a half seconds, I know what it's like to play a show and have kids not know what the fuck to do. It happens. Sometimes you'll get a good response, sometimes kids will just stare. The important thing is to work on your material and let your music do the talking instead of some rant chastising kids for not dancing. Trust me guy, I've done it every wrong way possible.

And to the other guys remark about kids in providence not dancing....all the kids dancing were from Mass. We dance when we want to because it's fun. Fuck providence if they think they're too good for it.

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 30,2003 1:48am
our old singer used to bitch and moan about kids not moving in the "moshpit" and he also sang about John Tavolta.
a big thumbs down and pointed finger laughs to whiners(including our old singer).

toggletoggle post by jay-ganihm  at Aug 30,2003 2:02am edited Aug 30,2003 2:14am

toggletoggle post by jay-ganihm  at Aug 30,2003 2:13am
yah, we have only been around under that name for like, 3 months, although kyle and george have been jamming with me in other bands for like, 2 years maybe. ive only been playing drums for like, 4 i think, so yah, we qualify as a young band i think? maybe its easier to rip off bad luck 13 riot extravaganza and just beat the living shit out of your crowd if they dance or not? isn't that what metal's about anyways? killing people?

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 30,2003 2:15am
db said:
not for nothing dude, but if your boy had gotten into it with the punks, there would have been a lot more people on their side than his. think about what would happen if we came and started shit in your town.

ok killah, first off... your pals are all fucking lucky i was there to hold him back.... secondly, if more than one kid even touched will, they would be puking out size 16 vans for a week, that's how far my foot would have been lodged in their ass... not to mention how hard my fist would have dislodged their jaws and noses. third of all, three bands worth of kids AND friends against 5 or 6 kids... ok... if thats out numbered then i am yoko ono... and im not. also, the guy who owns that place and that booked the show are really cool guys and i wouldnt mind playing a show there again. but yeah... that show was bad ass

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 30,2003 2:19am edited Aug 30,2003 2:27am

toggletoggle post by joostin at Aug 30,2003 2:42am

toggletoggle post by dysenteryvokills at Aug 30,2003 2:45am
oh man that show was so fun......seriouslly ill do a tour there every weekend for ten years..make sure those kids are back and this time when us "MA" bands play we will SHOW everyone in providence y u dont fuck with us. Fuckt hose gan bangers walking the streets trying to hold us up becuase they traded there food stamps in for a crack pipe......all i have to say is next time those fags wanna start shit with a lumberjack make sure they finish i would ahve but i was dead from pitting to many root beers...whatever thers always next time.

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 30,2003 3:06am edited Aug 30,2003 3:07am
xmikex said:

Terminally Your Aborted BeatBox - Matts guitar was way too low, but whatever cuz it was still a fun time running around screaming and watching punk kids get thrown around the room.

Well I can say that Matty didnt want to blow out Tom's (Dysentery) stack, thats why he wasnt all the way up or even with the rest of us. Goes to show you why you should have more of your own equipment. The PA was a little bit of a problem at first dealing with. My vocals always feed back at small shows because the PA's are usualy NOT BRUTAL ENOUGH TO HANDLE MY AWESOME FORCE.... hahahahaha. I dont know. We sound like ghey but welcome to the party. All I saw during our set was Will and some dude getting into it, we were going to stop but thought a little inspiration was needed for Will to properly smash whoever it was who was stupid enough to piss him off, in the face.

Thank you Box of Knives for the show! and better still Thank you Providence for killing our van!


toggletoggle post by db at Aug 30,2003 5:05am
alright, i was trying to be nice, but the fact of the matter is olneyville doesnt want your scene. the punk rock/hardcore/metal scene isn't for meatheads. take your infantile cocky attitudes and go fight your invisible ninjas somewhere else. the only reason this scene has been able to survive in these warehouse spaces in olneyville is because of the mutual respect from the tenants and the people that come here. there has NEVER been a fight at a show here in my recollection until you brought it here. the only people you play for here are your friends who come with you anyway, so do a favor for yourselves and for us and dont waste your time coming here. if you want to play in ri, there are clubs (living room, safari lounge, met cafe) that will have you. they are in sad enough shape as it is from people fighting having shows shut down. don't ruin this for us. stay home.
and the fact of the matter is that i dont give a shit who would win this hypothetical fight. what i was trying to say was that you don't understand that everyone there who wasnt your friend and everyone else who lives in that building is friends with those kids. and i dont blame them for trying to avoid a fight. nobody has anything to prove. you don't get scene points for it. my bottom line is this: you don't come into someone else's town, or venue or home and pick fights with people. its just fucking rude. i dont know what you have to prove, but no one with a maturity level above that of your average high-schooler was impressed. and you're right, that place is cool as fuck. and there's 2 others in that building and 2 others in the building next door. maybe you could call them when you grow up.

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 30,2003 5:55am edited Aug 30,2003 6:05am
db said:
blah blah blah.

hey asshole, I WAS THE ONE HOLDING THAT KID BACK. im not "scene" and frankly... i hate the "scene" if you can even call it that. im not a fighter and i fucking hate fighting but if people start shit with a friend of mine and try to gang up on him during MY BAND'S SET then i will sure as hell be there for him. i am respectful of everyone as long as they deserve it and the way i see it... those punk kids dont deserve any respect from me at all. im out here, playing music i dig just to play... im not here to help revive any type of "scene". and if it wasnt for me holding back Will there would have been atleast 3 cruisers there so you should be cradling my sack and making me breakfast for saving YOUR "scene". oh yeah... we only play for the people that come with us eh? want me to name some up TYAG's future shows? lets see... Oct 11th (my birthday) NEPA fest in pennsylvania... Oct 26th west virginia.... Nov 22nd north carolina with Gorgasm and Spawn of Possession... that is a MAJOR death metal tour too put on by Unique Leader... so yeah... we have friends EVEYWHERE and we only play for them because you want us too... sorry, you lose

oh and another thing... none of the bands that played on the 28th were metal (except aganihm is metal sort of) therefore you lose YET AGAIN

ALSO what is infantile is your generalization of the MA bands. ONE member out of 4 MA bands were rowdy. he had SOME reason but not enough to justify his actions and he shouldnt have acted the way he did but still. to attack a group of people based on the actions of one is ignorance at its finest. get facts straight before you spew out asinine comments and generalizations. *does a legendary mikeXmike thumbsdown*

toggletoggle post by George   at Aug 30,2003 6:22am edited Aug 30,2003 6:24am
i was kind of pissed, but thats cause i didnt think anybody liked our set. if kids liked it then awesome.
also my amp cut out randomly, which is frustrating. and my hand tensed up halfway through the set, which made things painful.
i hope we didnt piss anyone off or anything, i had to leave right after we played and since there wasnt much dancing i figured kids we bored with us or something. i understand that people wont dance if they have no idea what the band sounds like, than and our "breakdowns" fly by real quick.

yeah, im the youngest in the band. im 18 but i look like im 16.

so anyway, thanks rev for the pictures, they came out great. if anyone wants to book us contact me or jay, just im me or leave a post, im on this message board alot.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 30,2003 10:41am
db I just said Im NEVER going back to your stupid basement club. How bout some reading comprehension skills. I got to have fun at a show, and you get to have a club ALL TO YOURSELF it's fucking win win but you just can't stop pushing it can't you?

if you're looking for trouble from us you'll fucking find it. Garaunteed. So instead of playing internet hardguy why dont' you actually read what I said for once, pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to pick a fight. If I want to goto a show in providence I'll goto the met or the living room or some place that isn't someone's basement. Got it?

the only thing worse than a crybaby is a pushy crybaby.

toggletoggle post by stench at Aug 30,2003 11:20am
this is kyle, the singer from aganihm.. first off, the last thing i wanted was too piss anyone off.. but im sure its just really frustrating when you see people dancing for every band but yours.. my intention wasnt to make anyone mad at me.. i was just aggravating and im sure anyone in my position would have at least felt the same (maybe not acted the same).. so my apologies for acting the shitty way i did.. if you ever see me or my band again i wont do it

toggletoggle post by ratt_mowe at Aug 30,2003 12:11pm edited Aug 30,2003 12:12pm
may i say the great spaldino has hit the nail on the head yet again. does this kid ever speak words that are not the truth? i myself thought it was a really good show and an excellent place to have them. however, if (as spalding said) you are going to generalize the the attitudes of everyone there based on the actions of one person, then maybe you yourself have some growing up to do. things could have turned out a lot worse the other night, but thanks to a few people trying to keep things reasonable, nothing really happened. now if you are not going to go and book any MA bands based on a fight that didnt even happen, its your loss. i would love playing there again, but hey, if you dont want us, we wont come. yes, a lot of those kids were our friends, but the thing is, they all pretty much go to ANY show.... not just ours, or dysentery's, or shading the end's. its not like they were doing a favor to us by coming. and at least they make the show interesting, rather than standing around looking as though they are being held in a prison or something. thats what shows are for, having fun. dancing, to me, seems like something someone does when they are having fun. standing in the back of the room with your arms crossed with a perturbed look on your face is something you do when you are at an office meeting or something else lame you are forced to do. you werent forced to be at the show. RI... lighten up, have some fun. thats all we were doing, and all you can do is chastize us for it "RI kids dont dance"... ok, but that doesnt mean we have to be just like you because we are in your state. i've said enough.

toggletoggle post by ratt_mowe at Aug 30,2003 12:15pm
oh, and by the way, i thought aganhim fucking rocked. like someone said before, people usually dont dance for a band they have never heard. they would rather get a chance to listen to the band and get a feel for the music. trust me, everyone i talked to agrees with me... you guys played really well. i hope to play more shows with you in the near future.

toggletoggle post by Daniel at Aug 30,2003 12:34pm
All the DM bands that played the show were pretty sick. Out of the three Dysentery did have the best sound, but the STE vocalist was putrid. Also what was up with the TYAG vocalist ripping off his dishwasher-like vocals? Anyway, sick show, hope to see more of STE, and Dysentery.

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 30,2003 1:11pm
Daniel said:
...hope to see more of STE, and Dysentery.
tonight and monday man

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Aug 30,2003 2:51pm
severmywrists said:
It was nice meeting you Succubus.

It was nice meeting you too ... lucky Devon =)

toggletoggle post by jay-ganihm  at Aug 30,2003 2:52pm
xPaulBLAHBLAHx said:
Aganihm played next they were pretty sick techy death metal. Will almost murder about 7 punk rockers. Im glad they are setting up shows there its in a rough part of town and someone almost got mugged but I cant wait to play there again.

thank you for the compliment, we hope to be playing more shows there as well. kyle and sean were the kids what almost got mugged, but all it amounted to was sean getting wheat thins knocked outta his hand and him picking them up later. who wants to fill me in on what happened with punk rockers and MA kids??? i was talkin to some kid in a carcass t-shirt about celtic frost, then i hear screaming outside.


toggletoggle post by db at Aug 30,2003 3:39pm
spaldino: i never made any generalizations about MA bands. ever. where did that come from? there's tons of bands from mass that i dig. also i never said any of the bands that played were metal. in my opinion, they weren't. before the show happened i thought there were going to be some metal bands because of the way they were described on the flyer. anyway. also, i didn't say that you guys ONLY play for for your friends. i said that's who you play for here because 1) that's who you DID play for here and 2) no one else here knows who you are yet.

mike: i know you said you wouldn't ever come back here. possibly i wasn't talking just to you, eh?

aganihm kids: i don't think you pissed anyone off. you guys do what you do well.

everyone else: sorry for all the drama. call me a crybaby or whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is that this isn't a club. when something happens, even one little fight, it's enough to get the whole block shut down. these warehouse spaces aren't just a place to see a show, they are artist studios, band practice spaces, and most importantly people's homes. we're not asking you not to have fun. and just because most ri kids don't kickbox, doesnt mean you can't. we're just asking you to show some respect. and i understand that the fight was the actions of just one person. i don't blame anyone else for that; i met a lot of you and most of you were really cool. it just sucks that the one time there was a show with bands that have mosh parts was the one time there was a problem.

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 30,2003 3:48pm
jesus christ there was no fight.

stop posting here

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 30,2003 3:48pm
Daniel said:
All the DM bands that played the show were pretty sick. Out of the three Dysentery did have the best sound, but the STE vocalist was putrid. Also what was up with the TYAG vocalist ripping off his dishwasher-like vocals? Anyway, sick show, hope to see more of STE, and Dysentery.

Whats that about my vocals? I ripped someone off? haha. hopefully.


P.S. Dancing is a natural form of expression. If you like it or not thats too bad. Its not a hardcore or even a metal thing only its to release at a show thats why you go to shows in the first place isnt it? No one went there to start fights. But everyone has to admit.... beer and brutal music = people getting stomped, especially if they act like dicks about being bumped into. Aganihm is an amazing band all around. I think that more people will dance for you guys after you play out more, and not just "our friends". I think that you guys are way more tech then any band around here Death Metal wise which is awesome. If every band sounded 100% the same it would make people be like "that is just another one of those Massachusetts Death/Grind bands .... they all sound the same".

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Aug 30,2003 3:55pm
Sounds like Aganihm needs to play with Ascendancy. ~~cheesy smile~~

toggletoggle post by dysenteryvokills at Aug 30,2003 4:21pm
alright DB u can suck my fat dick.......i didnt even start that shit those fucking fags did so dont say its the action of one kid. so OBV you wernt paying attention so fuck you and keep your fucking mouth shut before i find you and dismember you. So once u have the details on what really happen then you can talk till then fuck you.

p.s the guys that put on that show were cool shit they rule but man some of the ppl there were fucking time stay the fuck out if ur gonna be a pussy if u get hit..its not jsut MA that pits if there grind/hardcore or what have u and ppl arnt a bunch of pussys there gonan throw there fucking fist out becuase its fun.

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Aug 30,2003 4:26pm

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 30,2003 4:33pm
post by dysenteryvokills at Aug 30,2003 4:21pm
" dont say its the action of one kid."


post by thegreatspaldino at Aug 30,2003 5:55am edited Aug 30,2003 6:05am
"ONE member out of 4 MA bands were rowdy. he had SOME reason but not enough to justify his actions and he shouldnt have acted the way he did but still. to attack a group of people based on the actions of one..."

"...its not jsut MA that pits..."
who said it was? the only reason i said most ri kids dont dance was because aganihm was upset that no one danced.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 30,2003 4:45pm

people will be dicks and dance
people will be dicks and not dance
people will be dicks and get pissed off about dancing
people will be dicks and bitch about dancing
people will be dicks and bitch about not dancing
people will be dicks and bitch about everything

the show happened. it was really good, but it's over. I worry every show about breaking my camera (~$3000), but I don't worry about "what if I broke my camera at this show".

I liked the fact that there were a few different styled bands there.
having different genres is a good thing.

I'm going to watch congo for some god aweful reason.

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Aug 30,2003 5:14pm edited Aug 30,2003 5:17pm
i nominate DB for "kindergarten dropout of the year"

"my bottom line is this: you don't come into someone else's town, or venue or home and pick fights with people."

no one from MA picked a fight... your smelly punk friends started with will...

toggletoggle post by db at Aug 30,2003 6:45pm
if that's true, i was misinformed and i apologise. i wasn't trying to make this huge deal out of it. and sorry rev for wasting your webspace. anyone who wants to can contact me @

toggletoggle post by Mike_STE at Aug 30,2003 6:51pm
I'm confused about one thing, I noticed in a few posts it was said that no metal bands played that night, or something? STE is (slam) death metal, which is just one of the many styles of metal music. I'd hate to think that STE would be labeled anything but that, we're certainly not playing hxc. DM needs all the support it can get around these parts.

toggletoggle post by tyagxgrind   at Aug 30,2003 8:58pm
succubus said:
severmywrists said:
It was nice meeting you Succubus.

It was nice meeting you too ... lucky Devon =)

I know. Shes an amazing person. In every way.

P.S. Succubus do you have a website for your photos? I remember it was discussed but I dont remember if you do or not. Sorry I'm slow.


toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 31,2003 2:27am
if you would click on her name...
you could see her profile and it's in there.
or right here:

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 31,2003 10:51pm
db said:
if that's true, i was misinformed and i apologise. i wasn't trying to make this huge deal out of it. and sorry rev for wasting your webspace. anyone who wants to can contact me @

so basically you didn't even see what happened? way to make a point guy.

toggletoggle post by armageddonday   at Sep 1,2003 4:27pm
I just finished reading all the posts here. It's a lot to swallow.
A lot of RI people that were there, came by curiosity, most of them don't listen to death/grind that's why they didn't dance. The RI kids that listen to death/grind didn't dance cause they don't know the bands (including myslef, though I won't dance kickbox, I'm slamdance/headbang). A lot of them didn't show up, because there was no advertisement/flyers for that show in town (that's the way it works in town, by flyers).
RI kids don't dance = wrong...db you've been to a Lightning Bolt show right?

We need more shows like that in town.

My version of the trouble between Brian/punk and Will...apparently Brian was making fun of the way people were dancing and Will punch him in the face...Brian wasn't provoking here, he was just making fun of it. Maybe it felt like provocation to Will, but it's still not a reason to punch someone, we have a brain/language, I guess that's what's for.
Outnumbered? haha...let me laugh.
I really don't want to have a semiflaky war between MA and RI, we should really work together for the sake to see metal and grind shows coming around here...and support the bands/labels/places/promoters/distros in the area. (I know I rarely go at shows in MA, unless in Worcester..but I don't drive. I would most likely go check out underground shows a bit more otherwise.)
One thing though, if you play in town, just be prepared to see a lot of different crowds at shows, especially in Olneyville. I don't know if any of you were at the Nunslaughter show last year at the Sickle, but that's a perfect example.
DB explained why we don't want trouble down there. I guess I don't need to add anything.
If you want to see what's a Providence show looks like..September 6th, AS220 the afternoon, the Living Room at night. All local bands about 20 bands. One metal, grind, noise, hardcore, progrock, stoner rock, rock..come check it out!

toggletoggle post by jesus  at Sep 1,2003 4:35pm
its really not a ma vs ri thing. i guess the punk laughed at will, then will pushed him to the ground.
no punches were thrown

toggletoggle post by joostin at Sep 1,2003 10:06pm
how does one book a show at the living room?

toggletoggle post by dysenteryvokills at Sep 2,2003 12:08am
i dont get you fucking people who try to ramble on about stupid shit oh im not trying to start shit but this is what happen fuck you the fact is the fags started and i pushed the kid to the ground i should have drilled him through the fucking wall him and his boyfriend that was next to yet again it seems we have another nameless person who has no fucking clue so no one cares about the kids in RI we dance oh well get over it....the END!!!

toggletoggle post by thegreatspaldino   at Sep 2,2003 12:13am
if Will punched that kid in the face... i doubt he would have gotten back up

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Sep 2,2003 10:41am
Aaron to book a show at the living room you have to call the owner during whatever ridiculous hours he's working this week, then you have to meet with him in person, then he'll rent the club to you if he likes you.

Will shoved that dumb kid and he fucking flew across the room. End of story. Then Joe spilled beer on some gay guy's head. No one fought. So leave it already.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Sep 2,2003 10:46am
the_reverend said:
if you would click on her name...
you could see her profile and it's in there.
or right here:

sorry for replying so late...I am in the middle of moving...i am going to work on pics tonight though...i'm a little behind

toggletoggle post by TDBRec at Sep 2,2003 3:00pm
Teenage Disco Bloodbath Records #005 = Aganihm EP? Hmmm...

toggletoggle post by George   at Sep 14,2003 4:41am
TDBRec said:
Teenage Disco Bloodbath Records #005 = Aganihm EP? Hmmm...

give me info.

toggletoggle post by DeOdiumMortis  at Sep 14,2003 4:47am
George, do you have mp3s or anything of Aganihm?

toggletoggle post by George   at Sep 14,2003 10:20pm
DeOdiumMortis said:
George, do you have mp3s or anything of Aganihm?

No, unfortunately. rev told jay we could play on the radio show, hopefully we still can. Just recently we got a few offers to record with different people. we need shows. i dont think we have any booked yet. we've all been busy with school starting, if anybody wants to help us out with booking shows or with recording or anything please please email me, i check it everyday.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 14,2003 10:29pm
George said:
please please email me, i check it everyday.

what's wrong with you.
I check myne every 5 minutes at least.

toggletoggle post by Stinky Feet Pete at May 15,2017 2:55pm
Look at this faggotry

toggletoggle post by An offended homosexual man at May 15,2017 3:59pm
the_reverend said[orig][quote]

though late shows are for fags.


toggletoggle post by An offended homosexual man at May 15,2017 4:24pm
excellent thread tho

toggletoggle post by Singer of Aganihm at May 15,2017 4:37pm
Im still mad no one danced for us

toggletoggle post by RTTP DEPT OF ANTI HOMOPHOBIA BRO at May 15,2017 9:32pm
Why do you gotta hate on us, just because we take our time to look pretty before going to the hard core show doesn't mean you have to make us feel bad for taking our time to look pretty before going to the hard core show doesn't mean you have to make us feel bad and call us names for taking our time to look pretty.

toggletoggle post by An offended homosexual man at May 15,2017 11:22pm
is the band member in the collared Abercrombie and Fitch shirt single?

toggletoggle post by Ruh roh at May 16,2017 5:31pm
I don't think he's like this.....

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